Recall Healing/Healing by Reminding”

Open meeting: 3rd of November 2012, Saturday, 3 – 6 pm
Workshop: 4th of November, Sunday, 10 am – 6 pm,

other places of workshops: http://marzeniawdzialaniu.pl/terminarz/

We invite you to take part in the workshop leaded by Kinga Maruszczak from Poland. Kinga will take you in few steps inner Journey, during which you:
1. discover your your mission, divine purpose of your life. This is that deep calling of your heart, which you may know already, but you cover it with wishes and plans from the mind, you mind or someone else mind. This discovery allows you to feel love to yourself and to the Creator and find peace in life.
2. Remove blockages and problems from physical, emotional and mental body, which stops our development. Those blockages are stuck deep in our subconscious and shows their power in the form of illnesses of our body, problems in relationships, relations in work, accidents and all kinds of financial loses. Those blocks have roots in the time of childchood, education and the period called in Recall Healing method Project/Purpose: pregnancy, delivery and 1 st year of life. Those difficult, painful experiences becomes concrete believes and constructions, which projects/create our daily reality together with our conscious mind. We ask ourself why do I experience this, if I pray, think positive and perform good actions. Here, on the workshops, you will find the answer and learn the tools and methods of trucking those hidden, deep inside, false believes, feelings. You will heal them in the fast way one by one, discovering also the meaning and lesson behind it.

3. Create practical, realistic plan of implementation of those deep and already “clean” dreams into your life. You will create projects and plan of action to realise your heart desire and new path of life, work or love.

Methods used during the workshops are diverse and adjusted to the group, but mainly based on the Recall Healing/Total Biology method, the Journey of Brandon Bays, Communication Dyads of Enlightenment Intensive, the Work of Byron Katie, AntiCarier (Create the Work You Love) of Rick Jarow, visualisation, meditation, emotional painting, symbolism, meaning of words, names, projects, stories, legends and many other …. tools, which everyone can use alone or with someone. You can become more independent and believing in yourself and your healing power. During workshops full of trust and love atmosphere is created, which allows to heal problems,
which may bother you for years and you were working on solving them on many ways. It will give you support to work alone and heal your life every day.

Kinga Maruszczak is leading for many years projects and workshops, where she “translates” visions and dreams into practical projects. For 14 years she has been acting in non-governmental organisations. Her aim in work is to support others. She is consultant to organisations and companies. She practise meditation and service on the path of Siddha Yoga for 23 years. She worked as organiser and translator on the workshops and sessions of many masters, trainers and different healing techniques, which she tried on herself and now shares with others as healing couch. She lives in Poland.

************* ORGANISER and REGISTRATION ******************
Milena Czekala, +44 775 6351084, e-mail: grrrrrrl@gmail.com
Dreams in Action, Kinga, +48 511479704, kingavision@gmail.com http://marzeniawdzialaniu.pl
Dates: Open meeting: 3rd of November 2012, Saturday, 3 – 6 pm,
Workshop: 4th of November, Sunday, 10 am – 6 pm,
Place of workshop and meeting: Oxford, to be announced after registration,
Costs: Open meeting: 5 Pounds, 1 day workshop 25 Pounds.

*******************INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS*************************

Kinga leads individual sessions of healing couching. It is like the Journey, which allows you in safe atmosphere discover your deep Self, remove the blockages, reasons of the physical illness and financial problems and create plan of action for the abundant and happy life. Session is mini-workshop for those, who have problems with easy opeining in the group. Cost of session: 30 Pounds, duration: 2 hours. www.thejourney.pl Sessions in Oxford: 3.11, registration: Milena.