Invitation to the Workshops “CREATE the WORK You LOVE”

We kindly invites you to take part in workshops leaded by Kinga Maruszczak. The aim of the workshops is to heal and gather those who desire to work with the Light, and serve Mother Earth. During those workshops Kinga will take you for the 3 steps journey, where you will:

  1. Discover your mission, vision, the divine purpose of your life. It is that deep calling of your heart, which you may know already, but maybe cover it with wishes and plans from your mind. The discovery of the true desire of your heart will allow you to feel love to Yourself and to the Creator.

  2. Remove the blockages and problems from the physical, emotional and mental body, which stops us from realising your potential. Those blockages are very often stuck in your subconscious, in the mind and in your body. Trough feelings you will find those obstacles, which comes from the time of childhood, school and society. Those sometimes hard experiences becomes true believes and construct in our mind. Here you will learn tools and methods how to truck those false thoughts and heal them.

  3. Creating practical, realistic plan of implementation those dreams into your life. We will create projects, actions for work, passion or new path of your life, where abundance and joy are natural state.

The methods used during the workshops are diverse: visualisation, meditation with the Diamond, emotional painting, symbolism, Recall Healing/Total Biology, communication dyads, projects, stories and many more… tools.

The extra result of the workshops might be creating group of friends who will support each other on the path, as well as creating new workplaces, new projects, the ideal way to make money and create abundant life on Earth with the Light. Together We can make our Dreams Real, Here and Now!

 Kinga Maruszczak for many years leading projects and workshops, where she “translates” visions and dreams into practical projects. For 14 years she has been acting in non-governmental organisations. Her aim in work is to support others. She is consultant to organisations, companies and administration. For 24 years she practice spiritual practice, seva-service, meditation, chanting on the Siddha Yoga path.

****************************ORGANISATION INFORMATION************************

ORGANISER: Kinga Maruszczak, +48511479704,

More info:

 THE COSTS: 250 złotych for the weekend, covering the cost of organisation. If anybody experiencing financial problems willing to come, please contact Kinga. Costs ofa accomodation in: Radzimowice: 170- 250 zł, Niedzica – 150 zł,

The workshops are usually two days events, starting Saturday 10.00, ending Sunday at 18.00.

On Friday at 18.00 there will be promotion meetings organised in different places.

Kinga also gives individual consultations in the form of 2 hour jouney.





Merkava, Rynek Sienny 4,

13-15th of July, Saturday – Sunday


Support Center for NGOs

7th– 8th of July, Sat-Sunday


Ecological village in the mountains near Wrocław,

21th – 22nd of July,Sat- Sunday


Healing Center, ul. Teatralna 8

24th – 25th of July,


Niedzica near Zakopane, ul. Miodowa

28th – 29th of July, Sat- Sunday