Dreams in Action is a set of workshops about creating the group of leaders, who wants to work together, with the Light, for the Mother Earth. Those are workshops about discovering your power, which comes from knowing yourself, your mission, vision, which you came here on Earth and removing the blockages and problems, both physical, emotional and mental, which separates us from the Light and experiencing the power in everyday life.

The methods and tools are: visualisation, meditation, 5 elements, paintings, photography, mind maps, the meaning of words, names, Recall Healing, the Journey of Brandon Bay, the Work of Byron Katie, communication dyads, stories, legends, dancing, laughing and many more…. And most of all good fun, because the Light is also laughing and play (in Spanish the Light means “la Luz”, which in Polish means “easy,  play”. 🙂 We will also work with the history of our life, past lives, as well as the history of the local land and nature. Together creating the group of friends, which will know each other, our skills, working together or creating new workplaces, ideal way to make money and create abundant life here and now on Earth.

The Guarantee of the success of those methods and the whole process certify people, which went trough it and changed their lives and implemented their Dreams in Action: Abundance, Health and Love in short time.

The workshops were organised for some period of time by The New Earth Foundation in Poland and leaded by Kinga Maruszczak, as she was the General Manager of the Foundation. http://newearthfoundation.pl/

Kinga is leading projects and workshops for many years, where she  “translates” visions and dreams into practical projects. For 14 years she has been acting in non-governmental organisations, she writes projects, applications proposals,  businessplans for organisations, companies and administration. She organise photo and paintings exhibitions, concerts, workshops, conferences, festivals, etc. She was a bookkeeper, journalist, director of the office, translator and coach. The same time for 23 years she practice meditation, chanting and seva-service on the Siddha Yoga path. She knows many different methods of healing, therapy and solving problems and implement them on herself and others, which desire the healing.

Autori wrote about Kinga in his Weather report:
